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CARE retreat

We have a special treat for you

We welcome you to our CARE retreat. Our idea is to create the space for you to have special time with yourself. Adrien and I will hold sacred space for you to connect with your own needs.

ASANA collective Yoga practice, dynamic and soft.

AYURVEDA private session and MASSAGE with sonotherapy.

NADA - MANTRA daily meeting with the power of sound through sound healing, voice therapy, kirtan

DHYANA Daily meditation

Adrien is an ayurvedic practitioner in Paris. Trained in the Indian tradition, he is committed to accompanying people towards a lifestyle in full harmony with their innermost nature.

English and French speakers are welcome



From the 26th until the 30th of June.


In Spain, in the beautiful Farmhouse in the Catalan Pre-Pyrénées CASA EL PUI.

Price of the Retreat:

880,00€ for 5 days

Include: Rooms, every meal, all the practices, private consultation, massage.

Does not include: transport

How to come:

From Barcelona,

Bus: Alsa company - 3 hours.

Taxi: 2 hours.

You will have more informations once you’ll book.

We are looking forward to receive you

Adrien & Caroline

13 mai

Formation Harmonium en ligne